HOME >> Globe Crystal Awards & Gifts
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Item#: CCT-GLOBE-1201 Optical crystal world globe (available with flat bottom to glue), optic crystal globe paperweight, crystal globe gifts, custom globe paperweights .
Item#: CCT-GLOBE-1202 Optical crystal globe stand on rectangle engraved crystal glass base, optic crystal globe paperweight with custom 3d laser logo engraved base.
Item#: CCT-GLOBE-1203 Crystal glass world globe stand on a custom logo engraved cube base, optical crystal glass globe paperweight, personalized crystal globe gifts.
Item#: CCT-GLOBE-1204 Crystal glass world globe with a gold metal stand, optical crystal globe paperweight with golden base, corporate crystal globe gifts.
Item#: CCT-GLOBE-1205 Crystal glass world globe with a gold silver stand, optical crystal globe paperweight with silver base, corporate crystal globe paperweight.